07 July 2005

If you put it on

Didn't want to post *again* today, but a couple funny things I wanted to share...

First of all, the network was down for quite a while today, so I wasn't able to do any real work until about 4pm. Besides reading (shameless plug) PhDcomics at http://www.phdcomics.com and checking email obsessively (but what's new?) I visited (ashamed to admit it, but here I go) http://www.cosmopolitan.com. Yes, the girlie magazine, but let's not dwell on that. The funny thing is that smack dab in the middle of an article on how women have poor body image, there was a large animated advert for (get this) Wendy's combo meals.

Secondly, was talking to Fuji online, and he informed me that Wal-Mart, the home of family values, old people to greet you and make you feel warm and fuzzy, and censored albums, now sells
ecchi and soft-core hentai.
Yes, that's animated soft core porn.
Way to go, Sam.

And on a more positive note, I've decided that I should listen to PJ Harvey more often. Check her out. My collection isn't extensive, but songs that have caught my ear today include:
Rebecca (always been a favourite actually), Is That All There Is? (also a consistent goodie), Dress, This Is Love

Tiding me over 'til I can actually have The Head Set's new album.
And what are Tool and APC up to these days? I couldn't watch Tool videos while the network was down because the Macs I prefer working on are missing some RealPlayer component and I am not a system administrator. Phooey.

(Funny, earlier today I was just thinking about how narcissistic I am - of which, by the way, I just checked the spelling and thereby stumbled upon "egotism" and "egoism" and was much interested to learn the distinction between the two - and here I am posting a long blog entry despite thinking maybe I should change that about myself. Funny haha or funny sad?)


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