12 September 2005


I did not post on 9/11, not the 9/11 everyone in the States experienced. Remember I'm at least 13 hours ahead of you and did not blog for the 24 hours of official mourning.

Surely everyone reading this knows me well enough to know that Katrina and 9/11 have weighed heavily on my mind without my saying so. Every evening, I read the morning New York Times, and I feel utterly useless over here... and I know I can't even begin to comprehend what's going on, not having witnessed any of it, not even on television.

And I know I don't need to use my blog to remind you to think about Katrina or 9/11, because I know those of you who read my blog are equally horrified by the loss of life (in every meaning of the word) and equally disturbed by the current state of the union - the capacities of our "leaders" (how about Barbara Bush's remarks, eh?) and the frightening fact that my countrymen voted for them.

Maybe the main reason I don't write about them though is because my talking doesn't really do anyone who's actually suffering any good. It almost feels cheap to me.

Yeah, so that's the extent of my tribute to all those who have lost their lives in any tragedy ever. I am humbled before you.
Words are useless.


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