23 October 2005

Midlife crisis? No! Not *my* dad...

Yeah, right.
He went sky-diving (21 Oct) for his birthday (20 Oct). Major props, I say. I'm proud he did it, not only because my dad is cool for sky-diving, but also because he did something he wanted, for himself. Hmm, coincidentally, I think I was telling someone just the other day that, now that my sister and I are out of the house, it's his job to make my mom worry. Glad to see he's doing a thorough job of it. ^_~ (And Mother, if you're reading this, don't be mad. He's fine, that's why he went in tandem, and come on, life would be so much more boring if he weren't himself, admit it.)
Anyway, I'm not sure if this makes me feel better or worse about my ticking biological clock, which Fuji and I were discussing earlier today. >,< I hope when I have my midlife crisis that there is something equally cool with which to freak out my loved ones.


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