At the risk of being sappy
The other day at work, R was talking about how she'd met the man of her dreams, how it had been the first time she'd been shy around a guy, how it had taken her a whole hour to approach him. C smiled and said, "That's the best part of a relationship, when it's new and exciting and thrilling. Then it just gets old and boring." I was sort of stunned... not only because it made me feel bad for C and her current relationship, but because I don't feel that way at all. B and I have been together two years now and, though there's significantly less drama now than there was in the beginning (thank God), I'm still as smitten as ever. I still get giddy and excited at the prospect of seeing him and spending time with him... we don't even do anything exciting anymore, with the exception of hockey games. Otherwise we mostly sit around and watch tv or eat or sleep. Maybe I'm just bragging and this will come back to bite me in the butt, but (heh) I think there's no reason a relationship should get old and boring. It makes me sad to know people think that. I know my way of thinking (and my experience) is the exception, but shouldn't it be the rule?
I completely agree with you, Michael and I are the same way. I feel sorry for people who think it can't be like this, and I realize how blessed I am to have this amazing relationship.
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