16 February 2007

Tired and annoyed, among other things

So I've been working five nights a week at the restaurant, about 7 hours a night. It's worth it. I'm earning about $100/night, if not more, and finally making rent and a dent in my debt. That feels good. What doesn't feel good is that I no longer have nights free. A birthday dinner for Brett with his parents has to be rescheduled to a Sunday brunch that I have to leave early anyway in order to attend a staff meeting. Introductions with our future roommate (once I move into the house) have to be postponed repeatedly because he works days and I work nights. Of the two nights a week I don't work at the restaurant, I spend one teaching SAT class. Most of my other free time is spent sleeping or vegging out on Brett's sofa because I'm so tired.

Meanwhile Kaplan hasn't paid me a thing yet. And I went all the way out to Flushing a couple Saturdays ago to start my second class only to find that they'd forgotten about me completely and assigned the class to someone else. Fine, it's not worth my time to go out to Flushing Saturday mornings anyway. If anything, it interferes with my making better money at the restaurant. And if I hadn't said something, I bet no one would have come to observe me teach. As it was, someone finally showed up in Session 9 (of 12). Kind of late to give me pointers on how to check on my students' progress and get more involved. If my kids' don't do well, yeah, I'll feel guilty, but I'll also blame Kaplan. I don't have time for this nonsense, to run around after them and find out what they're not telling me.

Luckily, I'm only taking one class this term. That's not to say that I think Wednesday's test went well. It was very very different from last term's tests. We weren't allowed calculators for what little math there was. Normally that doesn't bother me too much, but they didn't use nice round numbers that are easy to work with. Everything else was very conceptual, which is something I think I need to be better at, so I'm glad they tested it, but that also made it harder for me. If anything, I now know what to expect from these tests, and they'll drop the lowest grade in the end.

In other news, I finished Yael's book Overture. I enjoyed it, better than her mom's novels (of which I've read one and a half) too. It's nothing brilliant, definitely has a pop appeal, but it was enjoyable, and once I got into it, it was hard to put down. We'll see what my sister thinks of it.

Speaking of my sister, I have purchased a ticket to California over Spring Break. Not only to see my sister, but also to be at my nephew's 1st birthday party. And Brett's band plays at SXSW in Austin the same weekend.


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