06 February 2008

Getting back on track

I am having such a hard time getting on the ball this term. Quantitatively, I don't have much more on my plate now than I had last term, but somehow I'm feeling overwhelmed. I think part of it is how fast everything seems to be going suddenly.
I found out about linkage on Jan 14th, submitted AMCAS the 25th, had a mock interview the 28th. My secondary app is due next Friday, and my interviews at Brown are Mar 7th. The essay-writing is hard, but I know the interview is going to be even more difficult. I am already psyching myself out about it.
Meanwhile class is going at a whirlwind pace. We've already finished two chapters in Orgo, just two weeks into the term. Bio is not sticking the way it did last term; there's a lot more memorization, a lot less fitting all the pieces together (which I'm much better at). Plus, the first Bio exam is next week.
I went back to the hospital yesterday after a two week break (during which I submitted AMCAS and made myself ill with unnecessary stress). I only have about 40 hrs left to do at the hospital, but to try and not freak out so much, I'm cutting down to twice a week for the rest of the month. I tried to be more "aggressive" yesterday in my role - followed one of the PAs around, looked at x-rays, asked questions. As a result I did less "go-for" work for the nurses, but I still did my duty as a patient advocate - chatting with patients and serving lunch etc.
Once I'm done at the hospital, I seriously have to find a part-time job. If the hospital doesn't have funding, I'll have to go somewhere else, as much as they love me there.
Anyway, I think I just need to slow down in my head. Last week when it was all getting to be too much, I just put everything down for a couple days. I bought a pair of shoes, had a couple fun outings with B and his bro-in-law (who was in town for a writers' conference). That "break" calmed me down a lot.
Now I just need to hang on to that while I struggle to finish my essay for Brown and prepare for the first round of exams.

One thing that's going well these days is the living situation. Y moved out in Jan with pretty short notice. Luckily, a former coworker from the Gyu was unhappy with the place she'd moved with her sister in the fall. Both of them have moved into the house. Though B and I share the smallest bedroom, things are working out well so far. We cleaned a lot and reorganized, and the room is suddenly much more livable for two people. B's parents also gave us some hand me down furniture for our living room, with lots of cabinets and stuff, so we're able to store our stuff elsewhere in the house. Best of all, it feels more like a home! Not like a random collection of furniture that people have brought and left here over the years (even though that's basically what it is). Now that it looks halfway decent, the thought of moving out makes me sadder than it did before.


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