27 March 2008


The house has been trembling a lot for the past few days. I don't know if it's the construction in the neighbourhood, or the traffic, or maybe even some strong winds in this late winter/early spring weather. When I first felt it I was lying in bed. I flashed back to my apartment in Japan and the middle of the night tremors. It had been wondrous, exhilarating. I suppose my unfamiliarity with and the novelty of an earthquake overcame my fear. It was pleasing to just lie there in the dark, with my eyes open, and *feel* it.

It's different, awake and on your feet. Here the trembling is mildly annoying. Things rattle and shake, and it gets distracting. I was in a music store in Harajuku the first time I felt an earthquake while awake. *That* was completely disorienting! It wasn't terrifying exactly, but I suddenly realized how much I take the "solid ground" for granted.

What other things do we take for granted?


Blogger sKay said...

ice cream

4:50 PM, April 17, 2008  

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