19 February 2006

Culinary art

I finally used one of the packages of pancake mix my mother sent me way back. (Thanks, Mother!) It was a just-add-water mix, and I don't have any grease or anything so, even though my no-stick pan is *amazing* (my sister can attest to that), the pancakes were less than pretty. (I know Fuji's going to get a kick out of this.)

I ate them dry (I've eaten pancakes dry for a while now, maybe a little butter, but definitely no syrup *blech*) and, unfortunately, cold, as they cooled really quickly once I set them on the plate in the unheated kitchen. But they were still quite yummy. ^_^

As for my "real" cooking skills... Chris stopped by Friday evening to return my notebook to me. I was in the process of cooking up some spinach and rice. This means putting rice in the rice cooker and, once it's done, going to the stove with fresh spinach leaves, one egg, a little bit of soy sauce and vinegar, turmeric, red chili, and black pepper. I basically stir-fry the spinach (only with vinegar and soy sauce, not oil) then scramble in the egg. Pretty simple; pretty quick. I don't see any point in cooking elaborately or *well* when I'm the only one eating. Anyway, the point is that Chris knocked on the door, I opened it, and the first thing he said was "Ooh! It smells good in here." ^_^ Sure made me feel warm and fuzzy. And proud that I can take care of myself like a grown-up, buying groceries and cooking edible food and all that. So hah! Take that, Fuji. ^_^

As decent as my cooking is though, I sure do miss my parents'... or well, pretty much anything more involved or elaborate than my own. But I suppose children will always miss their parents' cooking...


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