22 February 2006

The worst is yet to come

Two more full days of tests left. I am trying very very hard not to think about all the material I need to review (or, in British, "revise"), or I'll freak out.

Today I skipped first period to conserve energy (slept 12 hours last night; I think it helped). My group finally performed our Churasan skit at the beginning of third period. Maybe it didn't blow as much as I thought, cos we definitely got a good number of laughs. Whenever I take part in things like this (i.e. skits or readings - re: don quixote), I think I end up more successful at it than I ever expect. Of course it helps to have the lines memorized so I can actually concentrate on *playing* a character... in any case, it was fun, and Suzuki-sensei seemed dumbfounded. I think I can easily say that everyone's skits (all four groups') were way better/more entertaining than the original dorama on which they were (very loosely) based.

Got an email from Prof Bourdaghs about the draft I handed in last week. It was only like half a paper, but the thing was expanding ridiculously, so there was no way I was going to finish it... and it's probably good I didn't, because now he's like "focus on these things and READ ALL THESE BOOKS." When am I going to do this? I'm not sure, but I guess I'd better figure out something fast as I only have 'til March 3rd.

And now, back to Japanese...


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