22 April 2006


Since I've already had this discussion a couple times, I'm just going to post one of those discussions here.

d: how are your parents?

me: *laughs*
me: they're good i think
me: my dad has a cold
me: they're still talking/excited about bihu festivities last weekend
me: it's cute
me: my mom won 2nd place in a pitha competition

d: aww
d: whats pitha?

me: they're like these crescent-moon shaped pastries stuff with coconut
me: i think

d: oh! interesting. i dont think ive come across those
d: er
d: so is the contest
d: to eat as many as you can?

me: hahahaha

d: or to cook as many as you can?
d: *laughs*

me: no it was who made the best ones ^_~

d: ahhh ok

me: when my dad told me last weekend
me: he was really proud
me: but then my mom told me today that only two ppl made them ^_~

d: awww
d: *laughs*
d: thats really cute

me: yeah
me: she joked that
me: if she told her mom, she'd never believe it
me: because my mom was always a terrible cook growing up
me: she didn't really learn to cook until she married and my dad started teaching her

d: really? your dad taught her??
d: my mum tried to teach my dad some dishes.. but he kept adding around 3-4 times the chilli powder in everything
d: so now she just leaves him to manage on his own when she travels

me: well i think he started her, and then she probably started learning more since then whenever she went back to her mom's place

d: yeah ok
d: heh
d: well
d: probably going to be the same with me, unless i have an apartment w/ a kitchen in grad school
d: i suppose 2D helped you that way

me: yeah definitely
me: it was part of why i joined
me: i felt i needed to start cooking and it was a good opportunity complete with a support network ^_~

d: so how was your second dance class?

me: it was great ^_^
me: oh so
me: the fee is 10000JPY for 4 lessons a month, right? i told you that already, it hink

d: mhmm

me: so i paid her the first one (plus the entrance fee, 5000JPY)

d: ~$100
d: ok

me: yeah
me: and she told me that
me: because i was here for such a short time and she was happy to have me
me: i could go to classes as often as i wanted, but just pay the $100 fee
me: but not to tell anyone else ^_~

d: oh wow!
d: thats really sweet of her

me: yeah. i mean she only teaches maybe 8 times a month, but it's really great of her
me: especially since i don't have anyplace to practice
me: but so i've pretty much started back at the beginning

d: right. so wait - does that free you of the 5000JPY initial fee, or just not limit the number of classes you take

me: she's working on my allaripu ^_~

d: for 1000JPY/month

d: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

me: just not limits the number of classes
me: i paid her 15000JPY yesterday

d: *swallows*
d: ah ok

me: yeah man it's amazing how fast my technique has gone!
me: i mean i was never a *great* bharatnatyam dancer

d: how far did you get with bharatanatyam when you studied earlier?
d: i find that hard to believe

me: but my aramandi starts hurting pretty quickly!

d: yeah i know... that initial burn is killer........ but very satisfying

me: yeah ^_^

d: even more so is when you realize that youve done a whole like... varnam or something without hurting once

me: but like my attack and my center of gravity... all that kind of stuff
me: is really sloppy

d: mhmmm

me: yeah! *laughs*

d: im pretty sure im going to get yelled at when i go back to india
d: *sheepish*

me: hehe

d: ill have to practice in preparation

me: yukiyo-sensei doesn't yell

d: so you started an allarippu?

me: but she laughed at me plenty ^_^
me: well it's pretty similar to the one i know. but we were going through the beginning bit by bit yesterday
me: correcting little things, like how i count it, and overturning my wrist or torso
me: but after i get better at this, she'll probably teach me a jathiswaram

d: i guess youd still be far ahead of most of the other kids?
d: ooh
d: i used to hate them... but theyve grown to be one of my favourites

me: oh it's strange like
me: mostly the students just show up whenever and stay as long as they want
me: so the two girls i was dancing with yesterday
me: are quite advanced of course

d: like... arangetram-ish?

me: basically i'm not a beginner in that i "know" the adavus, though some of them are sloppy
me: i actually don't know if anyone's done an arangetram...

d: yeah ok.. it takes a lot to do that outside of the US i think, where the support system exists to a far greater extent
d: did you learn mudras too?

me: yeah, seriously

d: like have to repeat the sanskrit names and all that?

me: hahaha that's what we did yesterday
me: when i got there (i didn't have clothes to change into right away, and i was the first one there)
me: so she asked if knew theory
me: and i was like "well, i learned it when i was very little. and then i quit for a while, but when i went back it was assumed i knew it, so i never relearned it well"

d: right

me: so we sat down and did asanyuta hastas and sanyuta hastas
me: (spelling?)

d: *laughs*

me: which was a first for me. i'd never learned them like that

d: asamyukta
d: yeah
d: i was just going through them in my head

me: hehe

d: i remember all the asamyukta ones - the words, but not the mudras!
d: *sheepish*

me: hehe
me: well you're stil way ahead of me

d: thats cool though

me: and with their namaskaram
me: they recite slokas
me: i never did that either
me: and i feel really self-conscious cos i have no idea what's going on and everyone else does ^_~

d: lol
d: yeah i know what you mean

me: so next time i'll have to ask her to write those down too

d: was it like a prayer?

me: yeah
me: at least the first one was
me: i'm pretty sure

d: kalakshetra people usually do that.... i dont know how well it filters down

me: ah~ hmm
me: i see
me: so next year
me: who will you be studying with?
me: you'll be at kalakshetra, right?

d: no
d: ill be with the dhananjayans

me: oh!

d: i mean theyre kalakshetra-ish
d: lol

me: i couldn't remember
me: i knew it was one of those
me: wait so who in kalaa was kalakshetra?

d: well i *am* kalakshetra... the dhananjayans have evolved some distinct pedagogical and stylistic differences
d: but there are still only really 3 schools of dance
d: nitya is also kalakshetra

me: okay that's what i thought

d: direct kalakshetra through i think.. her teachers teacher was taught in kalakshetra
d: something like that

me: so why are you going to dhananjayans?

d: because theyre my teacher's teacher

me: okay i see

d: dhananjayan was my "guest of honour" at my arangetram
d: and plus
d: theyre really nice
d: *really*

me: man that's crazy

d: they treat you like a member of the family...

me: yeah i saw them once in houston
me: they seemed really friendly/fun

d: mhmm
d: dhananjayan teased my teacher after my arangetram for getting a song mixed up ... he was like... you can send *her* to me later

me: so what are the three schools of dance?
me: hahahaha

d: valluvoor, kalakshetra
d: and
d: *scratches head*

me: oh oh and uh meera's valluvoor?

d: yeah
d: and arthi

me: ah yes

d: well
d: ok
d: my mum always told me
d: that the 3 schools were pandanallur, valluvoor and kalakshetra
d: but a lot of ppl say that dancers from tanjore, mysore, and kanchipuram have distinct schools as well
d: in a way i suppose there are three predominant styles in madras
d: (the first ones i mentioned)

me: ah~ okay

d: (wikipedia-ing it)

me: haha!
me: so am i!
me: that's funny

d: oh wow thats interesint
d: *interesting

me: which?

d: did you read the part about bharatanatyam being one of the five elements
d: representing one of them rather

me: i'm at that part now i think

d: bnatyam=fire, odissi = water etc
d: i wonder what the other two are

me: wait so yeah

d: and honestly i wouldve thought kuchipudi would be fire

me: i was just going to ask

d: hmm

me: maybe kuchipudi is earth or something?

d: seems a bit odd

me: well maybe the connection is like... strength? solidity?
me: (pulling stuff out of my butt)

d: *laughs*
d: yeah exactly
d: and HOW could there be a fifth?

me: but if kuchipudi is the fourth one (whichever it is)
me: what
me: haha yeah

d: *laughs*
d: *ponders*
d: well there arent anymore from that "family" of dance
d: as far as i know
d: kathakali and manipuri are totally diff
d: as is kathak
d: im curious....

me: yeah, seems so to me
me: hmm
me: haha
me: speaking of well-rounded breasts
me: i was so self-conscious yesterday!
me: because i jiggle so much more than everyone else

d: LOL

me: especially with the shoulder isolations
me: you know, in the allaripu?

d: "speaking of well-rounded breasts"!!
d: yeah

me: hahahha

d: *laughs*
d: yeah i imagine you must - no pun intended - stand out in a japanese crowd

me: hehe

d: ohhhhhh i just read that part
d: heh.

me: haha
me: "It is worth noticing that most of the contemporary Bharatanatyam dancers do not satisfy the criteria for a professional danceuse stated in the scriptures."

d: yeah i know
d: whoa
d: totally random
d: but
d: click


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