14 December 2006

Nile Deli

There's a big convenience store across the street called "The Nile Deli" (for some reason, convenience stores in this neighbourhood go by "Deli"). It's our go-to place for some reason. I'm not sure how B and I picked it in the first place, but we kept going back. At first I loved it because they had this monstrous (I mean HUGE) tabby cat there who would lie on the floor between shelves and walk right up to you for petting. He hasn't been around lately, not sure what happened.

Anyway, so we were out of toilet paper, so I popped in there, picked up a few other things too, and I go to pay. I get $3 back in change, in one dollar bills.

And the top one has blood on it.

I just kind of stand there, holding it between two fingers for a moment, trying not to draw the attention of the shopkeeper while simultaneously trying to show B and ask him if I should take it or ask for a new one... but B doesn't notice at first, just thinks I'm counting change, so I stick it in my wallet and show him later.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty amazing. I showed everyone at Kaplan training* the next day and then managed to get rid of it by buying candy from a street vendor at school.

*Yes, I'm training to teach a Kaplan SAT prep course. Funny, huh?


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