31 March 2008

I didn't get in

In case you hadn't heard yet, I didn't get into Brown for 2008.

The bad news is I have a whole 'nother year of applying. I have to take the MCAT; I have to take Orgo lab. I have to take an MCAT-prep course, pay thousands of dollars in application fees, and *if I'm lucky* stress over many more interviews. I have to find a job for the next year and hope it's enough to make me competitive with all the other standard admits despite my poor undergrad GPA.

The good news is I have another year in New York, particularly in Queens. I'll hopefully get a new, exciting job for the next year. And I won't have to worry about starting school at the same time as my sister's wedding. I'll get more use out of that suit I bought. Actually, maybe I'm a step ahead, having already filled out the AMCAS and dealt with an interview. Maybe maybe.

I guess I'm just kind of shocked. I thought my chances were so good, but ... it's funny. After being so pessimistic and misanthropic all through high school and college, I thought I had finally relaxed. I was optimistic and hopeful; I had such a good feeling every time I went to Brown. And it felt so good to feel so positive for, like, the first time in my life.

And then it didn't work out.

Oh well, I have to hold on to that feeling. I know it will work out in the end. Brown just wasn't meant to be, and I have to admit, I'd like to move. As much as I like New York, I'm just not an East coast person I think. And I think I've realized that after being here for the past 7 years (more or less). Plus the experience of working for a year will definitely benefit me. If I can find something good, I can definitely see being super-excited about it. So...

We'll see.


Blogger Jodi Egerton said...

Ah, crap. Sorry to hear that. I didn't get into brown either (for grad school) and it was totally my #1 choice. Then...Austin. Ten years down the line and I couldn't imagine life any other way.

Sorry about that...bleah.

10:27 AM, April 01, 2008  
Blogger sKay said...

brown schmown! their loss! and for the record, i never got into brown either...

4:49 PM, April 17, 2008  

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