10 November 2005


I shouldn't be blogging. I should be working.
But I had to express my displeasure and disappointment at the unsurprising outcome of the election in Texas. I think Jodi said it quite eloquently, so I won't say anymore than "poop."

My head is killing me. I've been so tired all day, and I really don't know why. Last night and tonight too I met with Stu, Chris, and Hideto to work on music. The Melody Union "Live" is 14 Dec, and as I will be gone from next Wednesday to 5 Dec, we're trying to throw some songs together. It's pretty ridiculous stuff, I must say. I never imagined myself "singing" punk, but, for the sake of the audience at the Live, we're covering two At the Drive-in songs. I'm not too impressed with the At the Drive-in stuff I've heard, honestly, but it is fun to play if nothing else. *shrugs* Then there's the original music, which is sort of all over the place. Stu, in classic rock lead guitar style, likes to put solos in, which is cute, I guess. Hideto wants it to be fast and crazy so he can go wild with his punk thing, and Chris tries to be diplomatic and let them both do what they want. I have decided to sit back and see what happens and pretty much do whatever they tell me.

Yesterday after "rehearsal" we all went to the 一休 in Musashi-sakai for dinner. I guess I was telling Hideto that I had a paper to finish for Shoji class on uchi-mata, because we got into a discussion about uchi-mata (which Chris finds attractive apparently - only the second guy with that opinion we found, and the other is also non-Japanese) and attractive female posture. Hideto was telling me not to do such-and-such and to do such-and-such, and of course I found it all ridiculous. Sometimes I wish I'd grown up speaking Japanese, but then things like this happen and I know I would have suffocated growing up in such an environment.

Speaking of the uchi-mata paper, it has fallen to my lot (okay, I was sort of asking for it) to compile the final paper. That is, each person in our group writes on the section he/she presented (essentially writes down whatever he said), sends it to me, and I get to make paper out of it. Well, the last paper wasn't such a big deal. It was kind of stupid, and I didn't have to compile the final thing. But now... well I've really gotten into this project. I wrote almost a page on Naruto alone (and about a page on Audition and another half on our flawed research etc), and I've spent about three days on it (and I know it's still quite undeveloped and badly written). But I just know what I get from the rest of the group will be tiny and superficial and one-afternoon's worth of work in comparison. It's going to be the ugliest paper *ever.* I even started panicking today about documenting sources and which format to use, but now I'm realizing it probably couldn't matter less for this class. *shakes head* Well, in that case, maybe I'll go to bed now and wake up early to finish... since I haven't received anything from half my group anyway...


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