05 November 2005

Uchi-mata and more

Because I'm sure you're dying to know how it went,
the presentation seemed to go pretty well yesterday (I think). It's a good thing I didn't worry about it too much *or* put in too much more work than I did, because it was still one of the best presentations, if not the best. I know that sounds awfully arrogant, and I'm really sorry, but seriously. Even after an entire term here, I am still *amazed* by the stuff people present. And more than *what* they present, but also *how* they present it. I must seem like a complete nerd to them, because I think I was the only person who got up there and actually seemed interested in what I was saying. But looking out at the class, I think they were interested too, so good for us. Our group also did more than just summarize and drone (we once again started off with one of our *fabulous* skits ^_~), so yeah. I'm happy with how it went.

Today I spent shopping *gasp* mostly in Harajuku. First I went to the Ota Memorial Ukiyo-e Museum, which was *very* cool. I wish the lighting had been brighter so I could examine the pieces better, but maybe they have to keep it dim to preserve the prints longer. Still, it was *really* amazing. I mean, you see the standard ukiyo-e prints everywhere, in books etc, but I had no idea what kind of detail and richness of colour (which would benefit from better light) they could produce. I'll probably take Ba there when she visits. Then I wandered up and down several streets trying to find the *right* gifts for the trip back to the States. On my list: Rebecca, Julia, Darren, Brett, Deepa, 'rents, Stefanie (and Chris).

The thing about shopping for presents in Japan/Tokyo is that you could go in two very different directions: elegant and "traditional" or wild and "trendy." Well I ended up going elegant/traditional for Stefanie, my 'rents, and Brett's parents, but went a little more "Engrish" for the rest. *giggle* Oh man, I really hope everyone gets a kick out of these. All in all, it was a successful trip. I just want to pick up one more thing for Julia, but that shouldn't be too big a problem. And I hate shopping, so I'm glad that's over. *whew* Next weekend I can concentrate on studying for the last two Japanese tests and cleaning before I leave my apartment for three weeks. I sure have gotten attached to this place. ^_^

And now, more images from my 生活 [seikatsu] (daily life):

I got called into the ICU Festival last week by Stu and found him wearing this. He and Chris picked up wigs for free (along with other random paraphernalia) the night before when they went to Roppongi. Apparently everyone was convinced it was really Stu's hair, which, if the picture were better quality, you would know should be out of the question.

Jimi was the main reason Stu wanted to go to the Melody Union show/ball/live at the ICU Festival. These guys really go all out when it comes to tributes (not just Jimi, but *everyone* in MU). Jimi (his real name's Daichi, but Stu refuses to learn/remember it) and band played mostly down stuff; the ony thing they played that I recognized was "Purple Haze." But definitely all very skilled musicians. They also did two numbers with special guests "Elvis" and "Ray Charles." Tres bizarre.
Oh, also, Daichi was *very* excited to learn my parents were from India at the Nomikai. I was somewhat taken aback by just *how* excited he got. He even started singing some filmi song for me, which of course I didn't know. *shakes head* Apparently his major is South Asian studies/history or something, and his thesis is on Hindu-Muslim relations.

Took this picture for Jonathan, who has been telling me about fugu from the moment he learned I got the fellowship. ^_~ I'm really confused about why it was in the seifu (the local grocery store I go to), as you need a special license to prepare and serve it? Though I guess it's possible that you're allowed to prepare and serve it to yourself, risking only your own life.


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