09 May 2008

Race for the finish

So classes are officially over. All that's left are my finals this coming Monday and Tuesday. Having gotten behind at the end of the term, I am now in uber-cram mode. I wake up, do a problem set, take a break with a shower, read a chapter, take a break with tv, do another problem set, and if there's time, take another break, followed by another chapter. If it wasn't obvious, I'm kind of also in panic mode.

Ah well... it will be over soon, and I'm very excited about that. I can't wait to move on with my life. I mean, I have to study for and take the MCAT first, but it will be something different. And then I start my job, which I'm very excited about.

I'm also hoping to take a doula workshop over the summer or in the fall and maybe work toward certification. I think that would be a good side activity while I'm in my lag year, and of course I've been interested in it for a while.

Meanwhile, I think I've finalized a list of about 15 med schools (a number my advisor suggested). I plan to update my AMCAS as soon as it opens and submit it June 1st. That's the good thing about previously applying for linkage... my AMCAS and recommendations etc are all done already. Hopefully I'll do well on the MCAT and one of these schools will accept me, but no point in worrying about that now, right?

First things first: final exams.


Blogger Kelly said...

I think working as a doula would be fascinating! It's so important to have a choice in how we give birth and who helps us through it. Are you interested in obstetrics as well?

7:04 PM, May 25, 2008  
Blogger Bibhatsu said...

I totally agree with you, and I think being able to see it from both sides would be really important as a physician. I've been interested in obstetrics for a while now, but I really can't predict how I'll feel until I experience it.

10:42 AM, May 28, 2008  

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