18 October 2008


I just love having time to read!

Last week I finished Arthur C. Clarke's "2001: A Space Odyssey," which was fantastically captivating. I took it to work with me and read a little during downtime. Unfortunately, every time I had to put it down, I was somewhat dazed and befuddled, like I had just woken up. That says something. (I felt that way while reading Haruki Murakami's "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" also.)

I took "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" on the plane with me on Thursday. Such a quick read, but really powerful. There's a magic to writing plays that I just can't comprehend. Anyway it was funny also because the copy I had was a very old copy of B's sister's that she written and drawn all over with marker. Very insightful. ;-)

Then, since I finished the play in Cleveland, I bought "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyers in the airport. B's sister has been reading these books, and I am hooked on HBO's "True Blood" series (based on the Southern Vampire Chronicles), and I had read "Vamped" earlier this summer, so I thought I'd try another vampire story. This is a young adult series or something, so the style is somewhat juvenile, not as mature or intense as "Vamped," but it's a lot of fun. It's a big book, but I expect I'll finish it today.

I just love having time to read!


Blogger Jodi Egerton said...

you know, i haven't read the twilight series yet. owen just read twilight this week because he was asked to interview the screenwriter at the austin film festival (that was yesterday, and he said it went well and his audience was half teenage girls!).

i can't remember the name of the vampire book i did read, but it was a different series...pretty fun though.

yay to vampires!

12:39 PM, October 19, 2008  
Blogger Bibhatsu said...

Oh! I just assumed. Sorry! And this is totally a series for teenage girls. How are Arden and Oscar? (and you and Owen of course ^_^ )

5:34 PM, October 19, 2008  
Blogger Jodi Egerton said...

I love love LOVE series aimed at teenage girls. Twilight's on my list...once I get past the early postpartum brain smushiness...

Arden and Oscar are just excellent! She's hilarious and he's sweet as can be. He's 8 weeks tomorrow, and lovely. Smiley. So sweet...

We can't wait to see you guys!

12:17 AM, October 20, 2008  

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