21 June 2008

Five days a week

It's been so long since I've done anything five days a week. I guess in a way I haven't done it since high school, which is also the last time I woke up at 6:30 every morning. And I'll admit, it's a struggle to get up that early, but once I get to work, it's all good.

My first week of work was a bit of a whirlwind. There are a lot of different things going on, and I can't believe I'll possibly remember it all. But I've already conquered a few things: administering ECGs, answering NotifyMD messages, calling in refills. There are kinks to work out sometimes, but I think I've basically got the hang of those things. But there's much more, and I still have to master taking a blood pressure. I think I'm 3 for 5 with that. Then there are all the stress tests and their respective machines to become familiar with, QARG, various forms, monitor reports, what to fax, what to copy, when to email or call a Dr, which Doctors don't want to be bothered at what times.......

They tell me I'll have it down in another week or so. I sure hope so.

Also hoping my ECG book arrives soon.

Also a patient praised me to another member of the staff, which was very reassuring.

14 June 2008

No more studying!

For a little while at least, and boy, does that feel weird. Monday I start my job, and I'm really excited about that. Even though it would have been nice to have a more substantial break, I'm looking forward to having coworkers and learning new things and getting real hands-on experience and really finding out what my life could be like. When I asked Brown why I didn't get in, they said "experience," that they really wanted me to be sure that this was what I wanted to do. And I got job offers as a research assistant, which sounded pretty interesting too. But this is different. I want to watch doctors interact with patients and experience it myself, because I'm pretty sure I want to go into primary care. And, in theory, that's the kind of hands-on doctor I want to be.

So, on another note,
the outpouring of love I received in the days leading up to the MCAT was incredibly touching. Considering I was about to take the biggest test of my life so far, I felt incredibly and (dare I say) uncharacteristically (for an MCAT examinee) positive. Thank you everyone for your love and support these past two, no three, years. I could never have done it all without you. :-)

And now I think it's time for bed.